Stacey Love - Educating the world one gram at a time
This smart and diverse, not to mention stunning women is as interesting as they get. And I had the creative privilege of photographing her in a portrait session awhile back.
She's a mother, wife, and Professional Engineer who owns her own firm, LovePS with husband Jessie. On her summer afternoon and evenings you can find her at Wyant Group Raceway tending to the broken and battered race cars.
Be sure to check out her blog Love MJ . Dispelling myths about the functions and use of medicinal Marijuana. Easing fears and misuse with informed and reliable, information- While providing advice, recipes and guidance. You can also find her on Facebook
Thank you for the inspiration Stacey!
xx TD
Canada Day
Well I felt the need to share this little blurb although most likely a day late.. as I have been enjoying this Canada day long weekend at one of our 10,000 beautiful lakes here in Saskatchewan. Like most lake front oases here in the Saskatchewan, the cell service here is spotty at best, and when needed down right dysfunctional!
This big beautiful country we live in deserves a massive high five and some supreme love today! Not like it doesn’t serve such tender affections everyday, but today is the day our country sets aside to spread some extra love, and I am So very proud to call Canada my country, and my home.
I am thankful and blessed to have been born into such a great country, that on an average given day, spreads such polite and apologetic, compassion and kindness, that us Canadians are known for it world wide.
Keep spreading the love Canada. It always wins.
With sporadic cell service, a full patriotic heart, and throbbing liver, I bid you adieu
xx TD
Aruba in August
Why August you say? When it is one of the warmest times of year here in Saskatchewan.. Well I'll tell you. It was my sister in laws 50th birthday and my brother in law was dedicated to top her on the surprise birthday party thing she had thrown for his 50th the year before. As the saying goes "It's all in who ya know" and BIL Erwin knew the right people. A great deal on a villa in Aruba was secured, and so the grand scheming and the web of lies commenced...
Not easy pulling off a top secret major vacay to another country. 4 months of bullshitting, and cross over connecting flights in Toronto.. but we managed. And the surprise birthday in Aruba was, well, with lack of a better word (that my husband happens to loathe), EPIC - There I said it. Sorry honey.
Lucky enough our villa came with a vehicle to use. So after all the excitement wore off we had to get down to some serious business. Like where can a gal stock up on some booze, I mean groceries. Yes, I meant groceries. Technically booze falls into the grocery category, so I feel I have redeemed my reputation and character.
Aruba - A Dutch Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela. The Dutch influences can be seen in the local architecture and the languages spoken are English, Dutch, and Spanish, as well as their local tongue, Papiamento which is a blend of Dutch and Spanish.
Speaking of local you will want to try these delicious pockets of deep fried goodness called Pastechi. More of a breakfast or brunch thing it seems. Maybe because they are usually sold out before noon hits. You can find local Pastechi /sandwich stands along the roadsides. Made from scratch hot and fresh - My favourite was the ham and cheese but there are a gazillion different fillings, and I guess you will just have to try them all to find your fav!
I was so impressed by the fact that you can drink the water right out of the tap in Aruba. It was glorious not having to worry about some nasty virus that can deteriorate your liver or some parasite that makes you shit your pants for 2 weeks straight. Free flowing water and ice is a pretty cool thing. Food and alcohol were priced about the same as here in Saskatchewan CA. Or so it seems, until you realized that all prices are in U.S. dollar. Youch. You Canadians know what I mean.
Areas of the island are pristine and calm, and make me want to give a head nod and a big old namaste to mother nature. Other parts are rocky, dry terrain with thunderous crashing waves and riptides. Best admired away from the cliffs edge. Especially when your husband is super annoyed with some smart ass comment you made. Just kidding. I never make smart ass comments.
I now must talk to you about food. Oh glorious food how I adore thee! And the people that prepare it for me. Don't get me wrong, I do love to cook, -and eat-. However I am the "chef" in our household. Which is why it's so damn special when someone else does all the work. There is no shortage of great restaurants on this island paradise.
And last but not least my favourite The Flying Fish Bone. There is plenty of beautiful beach front table seating, or you can reserve a table planted right in the water! So cool - I'm telling you this wheat field dwelling prairie girl was super excited about that one! Amazing meal with feet soaking in the Caribbean, check.
And now I will bombard you with cheesy tourist travel photos from our trip. Your welcome.
Aruba you were so very good to us. Memories that will last a lifetime. And if the financial gods allow, we will be back someday!
Stephanie + Adam
Every little detail of this day made me want to go back and do my wedding day over again. Well maybe not, all over again, But it was perfectly prairie, and perfectly lovely in every way.
These guys were so much fun! Lots of laughs & cheers.
Back to the bride I go
Party bus
Congratulations you two! Wishing you forever happiness + endless love
Sailor Dan
Famous in his own right, Sailor Dan is kind of a local celebrity around these parts. I had been looking to find this infamous local artist for the sole purpose of a brief photo op. So you could probably imagine my level of happy when he happened to turned up in my neighbourhood mall parking lot. There he was, just standing there, selling his art to some guy in a truck. So I seized the moment and asked if he’d be a willing subject. He graciously agreed.
We set up a time to meet in an hour or so, because wouldn't you know it, I had my dogs in the back of my truck, and of course no camera. The next hour transpired as such.. High five'd myself - did a happy dance - got a coffee - walked the dogs - drove home - grabbed my camera, and booked it back to the arranged location. Would he bail? Will he be where he said he would be? He didn't, and he was - true to his word.
No surprise someone had recognized him, and commissioned one of his drawings right then and there. So I had some time to shoot this fabled sailor in action.
While he's creating his masterpiece he attracts a bit of attention.
A few admirers stop to say hello.
Chatting up this old Sailor can be a challenge with his gravelly mumbled voice, but he is such an iconic and gentle character it was worth the struggle.
I thank you Sailor Dan, you are a brilliant subject, and a genuinely talented soul.
Childrens Hospital Foundation Radioathon
There has to be a million great causes to part you from your money now a days. But I’m telling you, sick kids has to be top of the list. Come on.. Sick kids? Oh my heart! Alright and puppies, ok dogs.. I’m a sucker for dog rescues. Wait, and elephants, Ok maybe dolphins too. For love of god, I need a second job. My point is, when it’s local, and there’s sick kids involved, it is worth the time and the $$ to get involved, always..
And I'll tell ya what- Saskatoon is the best at this rally and support thing, yes we are! Look at the love, money + efforts that come together for the Kinsmen Foundation's annual Telemiracle here in Saskatchewan. Going into their 41st year this coming March 2017. They've raised millions for Saskatchewan residents helping those with physical challenges access to special needs equipment and medical assistance that wouldn’t otherwise be attainable. Thats how we do things here on the prairies. It’s how we were raised. Spreading the love regardless of race, creed, or religion. Take that Trump.
To read some of their stories go to Children's Hospital Sask
Unfathomable to imagine, and thank god for small mercies, that most of us will never have to know the pain, suffering, and anxiety these children and their families endure. No one ever knows what the future holds regarding the health of a child, grandchild, niece or nephew. It takes a a lot of dedicated and caring people to build a successful fundraising effort such as the Children’s Hospital Radioathon .
There is a small army of volunteers, supporters, sponsors and donators that pull off this three day event. And with a 6am start time daily, my level of 'you people are THE shit' kinda went up a notch. Ya ya, I know there are waves of shifts and replacement volunteers, but there are also individuals that are there for the full shindig each day. The funds being raised are for the sole purpose of pediatric care and equipment for the province of Saskatchewan. And without a doubt we will be needing a lot of it to fill that brand new children's hospital with some top notch, cutting edge technology and equipment.
Great vibes - fun people. A big high five to all that selflessly come out to do their part, ring those phones, and help raise some serious moola. All $431,409.60 of it!
Until next year folks
Photographing The Chill
Well it’s fourty below and a don’t give a f#ck… That’s right, 40 below with the windchill folks, once again. It could be worse, It could be -40 before the windchill. These are the small blessings us Saskatchewanians are actually thankful for in mid-January here on the prairies. Sad isn’t it?
It’s 7 days past Christmas, plenty of time to come to terms with the fact its all over and get back to the reality of the daily grind. It’s also fly day for Ma & Pa. I am driving them to the airport at 7:30am so they can catch a flight back to Parksville B.C. Where they now live. Sask. born and raised, even they threw in the towel when it comes to dealing with our cold prairie winters.
Hard to believe Christmas has come and gone. The house will be empty once again. Quiet, lonely, void of all family. But I am not going straight home after I deliver these precious packages to the airport, I’m going to photograph the chill. Who’s brilliant idea was this you ask? Oh ya, mine.
This city of Saskatoon is beautiful. It really is, even in the cold, I promise. And the weather is not always frigid. I promise this to. This engaging and divine city is just the right size, and oh so friendly! Yes yes, in the winter it does have it's moments of sub-thermal. And some days not just cold, but fucking cold. I don’t like it, not one bit.
But the other seasons in this place are stunningly beautiful, colourful and inspiring. Summer is most definitely my favourite. It’s warm, sometimes too damn hot believe it or not.. The anticipation of those muggy summer days, and late night barbecue suppers on the deck. Forests of green, barefoot on a beach, green and yellow rolling fields stretching as far as the eye can see, all the way out to where land meets the sky. Fiery sunsets, oppressing humid heat, and dark thunderous looming skies. That eerie quiet calm before the summer storm. And oh the camping, with those lazy summers nights around a lake front campfire.
So you see, this my friends, is what keeps us going through the inevitable onslaught of blistering cold. Trust me, its worth it. Most days anyway.
So stay warm fellow Canadians for the ice will melt, and buds will soon bloom, a sure sign of a joyous and much anticipated reprieve from this frigid hell. Just kidding. Hell is hot.
P.S. Miraculously enough no fingers or toes were lost during this frigid shoot.
Adele + Mel
Well I do have to share some pictures from this heart warming evening a few weeks back. It was more than a pleasure to have the opportunity in documenting a once in a lifetime milestone for these gems. They are genuinely sweet people and adorable to each other.
Married fifty years these two. FIF-TY. Yes folks the big 5 - 0 - And as I watched their family celebrate them that evening, it was apparent, and rightfully so, that their commitment to family and each other is so cherished, and respected.
Word has it that these two love birds both like to "cut a rug." And on weekends, maybe some weekdays to - if there's a dance within 50 miles they'll find it!
Pretty sure this is how they both still fit into their wedding day threads.
Below - a gorgeous cake created by their daughter in-law. Some beautiful decorations, and a lifetime of togetherness memorabilia are displayed throughout the room.
Family and friends put on one heartfelt tribute to a fun and inspirational couple.
Cheers to you Adele + Mel, here's to many more!