Sailor Dan
Famous in his own right, Sailor Dan is kind of a local celebrity around these parts. I had been looking to find this infamous local artist for the sole purpose of a brief photo op. So you could probably imagine my level of happy when he happened to turned up in my neighbourhood mall parking lot. There he was, just standing there, selling his art to some guy in a truck. So I seized the moment and asked if he’d be a willing subject. He graciously agreed.
Sailor Dan & his drawing
We set up a time to meet in an hour or so, because wouldn't you know it, I had my dogs in the back of my truck, and of course no camera. The next hour transpired as such.. High five'd myself - did a happy dance - got a coffee - walked the dogs - drove home - grabbed my camera, and booked it back to the arranged location. Would he bail? Will he be where he said he would be? He didn't, and he was - true to his word.
No surprise someone had recognized him, and commissioned one of his drawings right then and there. So I had some time to shoot this fabled sailor in action.
While he's creating his masterpiece he attracts a bit of attention.
A few admirers stop to say hello.
Chatting up this old Sailor can be a challenge with his gravelly mumbled voice, but he is such an iconic and gentle character it was worth the struggle.
I thank you Sailor Dan, you are a brilliant subject, and a genuinely talented soul.
Adele + Mel
Well I do have to share some pictures from this heart warming evening a few weeks back. It was more than a pleasure to have the opportunity in documenting a once in a lifetime milestone for these gems. They are genuinely sweet people and adorable to each other.
Married fifty years these two. FIF-TY. Yes folks the big 5 - 0 - And as I watched their family celebrate them that evening, it was apparent, and rightfully so, that their commitment to family and each other is so cherished, and respected.
Word has it that these two love birds both like to "cut a rug." And on weekends, maybe some weekdays to - if there's a dance within 50 miles they'll find it!
Pretty sure this is how they both still fit into their wedding day threads.
Their children & one photo bombing grandson
Below - a gorgeous cake created by their daughter in-law. Some beautiful decorations, and a lifetime of togetherness memorabilia are displayed throughout the room.
Family and friends put on one heartfelt tribute to a fun and inspirational couple.

Cheers to you Adele + Mel, here's to many more!