The Wright Fam
This family showed up in every way regardless of the cold. Us Saskatchewanian’s are fabulous that way ;) What doesn’t kill you.. right?
Making a few photos in between the foggy breath exhalations.
A few of my favs are below.
Jasmine looks up at her mama
This sweet old girl had a photo session with her family the other day. But we all know who the star of the show really was. She probably doesn’t have many more Christmas’s left and so we made sure she got some special treatment.
I am a animal lover, and this old girl had my heart.
Such a beauty
BK & The girls
This man has been one of our very good friends for years. It is almost surreal that I have known him before these two beauties ever graced this earth. So when he asked to have some photos done with himself and his girls, my response was hell yes!
Here are a few favs from our session.
Thanks for gracing my make shift living room studio BK & crew