New York City Oct. 2019
Well it’s been a while since I’ve been to the land of blog. But here is what happened lately.
First view of Central Park coming into the big apple.
This trip, unfolded mostly on the streets of the Big Apple. It was me and 2 girlfriends from Saskatoon. There was much walking, lots of touristy sightseeing, and some quiet moments with myself, sidewalk crowds, historic buildings, and my camera.
On foot adventures aside, there was also some mostly successful subway navigation, and an Uber ride or two. But the majority of our exploring was on foot.
The lovely and delicious Joanne Trattoria served us up some Italian food, in house made pasta, and great wine. Below are some shitty photos taken with my cell phone of a stained and empty wine bottle, and an awkwardly positioned cannoli- sum up my wine consumed evening where photography skills were discarded for gluttony and visiting.
We stayed in China town - no photos
Walked a bit in Central Park. Indulged in martinis and charcuterie from Tavern on The Green The bartender turned into a raging lunatic when i requested a separate bill. I guess thats not a thing in New York?
Until next time
Mountain Time
Travelling in general is near and dear to my heart. But the Canadian Rockies, well they hold a special place in the old ticker. I've been travelling there for summer get aways since my boys were wee little.
Hell I loved being there so much I would pack those little turkey's up, diapers and baby wipes in tow, and haul ass out to the mountains (also Grizzly country) with a tent.
The Tent
The vast beauty, giant mountain peaks, and towering aromatic pines were worth the risk of being dragged out of our tent in the middle of the night by a deranged and starving grizzly.
Ok that would probably never happen, but in the pitch black darkness of the night your mind does tend to be a little over active. After all there is merely a flimsy wind breaker between myself, my children, (one of which may or may not have had a full diaper), and a 1700 pound carnivorous beast.

We now have a trailer. A pretty big one at that, and the walls are definitely thicker than that of the old tent. The real perk is not having to hang your ass out in the dark forest at 3am to pee.
Trailers with bathrooms are the best.
So our little family vacations have evolved. It's rare both boys can be there, jobs and holiday time are always an issue as with most families. This particular trip my youngest was unable to make it. But that just makes the times we can all be together that much more special.
Hold on to those days where the kids are still in the back seat. They fly by way to fast.

xx - TD
Summer in the Sask
Two things I know for sure. Summer is most definitely the best season of all in here in Saskatoon. But the heat can be downright oppressive when one is not prepared, nor climatized.. or summerized if you will.
And winter weather sucks ballz.. In a -- My skin on my face hurts and my lungs are collapsing from frozen air inhalation kind of way.
And the reason for this opinionated outburst? Perhaps the fact that upon writing this, it had been in the plus 30's for over a week, and in home air conditioning is a luxury I do not possess. Dyson and I are having a turbulent love affair. It’s like he gets me, like really gets me. Don’t tell Brad.
Oh yes I do have air in my SUV, and the trailer. Living the dream people. It is not unusual to see me driving around aimlessly in 30+ above. Or taking a random road trip to the lake, so my trailer can become my editing cave until mother nature regulates herself.
And really is it that bad? Probably not. But in my defence I am a Canadian girl, born and raised, and we just are not used to long stretches of intense jungle heat with hormonal hot flashes on the side. I am used to sledding, snow banks, blizzards, and frosty beer by the backyard fire pit. Between the hours of 2pm and 11:01 What can I say I'm a rebel.. ( damn you city of saskatoon)
Thats Abby, clearly annoyed by the 2pm - 11pm Fire pit burning bylaw
Now it may seem like I’m bitching. I kinda am, but deep down, not really. Just voicing my discomfort and sweaty distress. There is a difference.
Here is what makes this perspiring, peri-menopausal, on the verge of self combustion - glorious bitch smile.
I swear I’m more creative in the summer. Ok probably not. But it feels that way. It’s the energy in the air, and it changes for sure. That chillin’ summer vibe if you will. The newly emerged greenery and all that springs to life after the chilly winter slumber.
Or maybe it's our mischievous, backyard, nut hunting Squirrels hopping and running along the top of our fence tormenting our dogs.
It's most definitely our delicious bountiful gardens, and giant shady trees. Camping and campfires. The smell of fresh cut grass, rolling thunder and fresh rains. Walks along the South Sask river.
My overgrown ferns to my right, rustling in the breeze, and straight ahead our giant towering poplar with leaves waving. They sound like ocean waves rolling up to shore. And all this as I sit outside, under my gazebo, writing these words.
And nothing tops our bright burning, horizon dominating sunsets, hence the handle "land of living skies".
Ahhh yes, it's summertime.
With heat stroke looming I need to remind myself that our summer heat waves are so worth it. And there are always a million and one kick ass things, (slight exaggeration but it's how I roll), going on here in this great city/province this time of year. It's like we need to cram every festival and function into a hot and steamy 2 month period. Without a doubt there is something for everyone.
Jazz Festival, music festivals, food festivals, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan , PrairieLilly river tour, hiking, camping, Lake life, ball games, football, picnics, BBQ’s .. Over 100,000 lakes, Waterfalls, ancient ruins, art galleries, museums, micro breweries, wineries, canoe trips, Kayaking, amazing golf courses, You get the idea.
Jazz Fest dog - On a side note, bangs can be such a commitment.
Oh Saskatoon, you really are absolutely beautiful in the summertime with a river running through it all.
Breathe deep and soak it up my friends. It always seems to go by way to fast. That miserable ass old man Winter is lurking in the background awaiting his icy return.
So despite my temperature discomfort, am I gonna let this heat keep me down? Hell no!
Am I going to run naked through town square?? Still nope! Ok the thought may have crossed my mind but I am fairly modest, and not that hormonally unstable, yet. And does Saskatoon even have a time square?
I do love this place in all it’s summer glory. It is, despite my rant my most favourite time of year. I hope if you ever come to visit, you get to enjoy every perfect hot steamy moment, sprinkled with a few of our awe inspiring sunsets.
xx TD
Sailor Dan
Famous in his own right, Sailor Dan is kind of a local celebrity around these parts. I had been looking to find this infamous local artist for the sole purpose of a brief photo op. So you could probably imagine my level of happy when he happened to turned up in my neighbourhood mall parking lot. There he was, just standing there, selling his art to some guy in a truck. So I seized the moment and asked if he’d be a willing subject. He graciously agreed.
Sailor Dan & his drawing
We set up a time to meet in an hour or so, because wouldn't you know it, I had my dogs in the back of my truck, and of course no camera. The next hour transpired as such.. High five'd myself - did a happy dance - got a coffee - walked the dogs - drove home - grabbed my camera, and booked it back to the arranged location. Would he bail? Will he be where he said he would be? He didn't, and he was - true to his word.
No surprise someone had recognized him, and commissioned one of his drawings right then and there. So I had some time to shoot this fabled sailor in action.
While he's creating his masterpiece he attracts a bit of attention.
A few admirers stop to say hello.
Chatting up this old Sailor can be a challenge with his gravelly mumbled voice, but he is such an iconic and gentle character it was worth the struggle.
I thank you Sailor Dan, you are a brilliant subject, and a genuinely talented soul.
Photographing The Chill
Well it’s fourty below and a don’t give a f#ck… That’s right, 40 below with the windchill folks, once again. It could be worse, It could be -40 before the windchill. These are the small blessings us Saskatchewanians are actually thankful for in mid-January here on the prairies. Sad isn’t it?
Early morning downtown Saskatoon- 20th street
It’s 7 days past Christmas, plenty of time to come to terms with the fact its all over and get back to the reality of the daily grind. It’s also fly day for Ma & Pa. I am driving them to the airport at 7:30am so they can catch a flight back to Parksville B.C. Where they now live. Sask. born and raised, even they threw in the towel when it comes to dealing with our cold prairie winters.
Hard to believe Christmas has come and gone. The house will be empty once again. Quiet, lonely, void of all family. But I am not going straight home after I deliver these precious packages to the airport, I’m going to photograph the chill. Who’s brilliant idea was this you ask? Oh ya, mine.
This city of Saskatoon is beautiful. It really is, even in the cold, I promise. And the weather is not always frigid. I promise this to. This engaging and divine city is just the right size, and oh so friendly! Yes yes, in the winter it does have it's moments of sub-thermal. And some days not just cold, but fucking cold. I don’t like it, not one bit.
But the other seasons in this place are stunningly beautiful, colourful and inspiring. Summer is most definitely my favourite. It’s warm, sometimes too damn hot believe it or not.. The anticipation of those muggy summer days, and late night barbecue suppers on the deck. Forests of green, barefoot on a beach, green and yellow rolling fields stretching as far as the eye can see, all the way out to where land meets the sky. Fiery sunsets, oppressing humid heat, and dark thunderous looming skies. That eerie quiet calm before the summer storm. And oh the camping, with those lazy summers nights around a lake front campfire.
So you see, this my friends, is what keeps us going through the inevitable onslaught of blistering cold. Trust me, its worth it. Most days anyway.
So stay warm fellow Canadians for the ice will melt, and buds will soon bloom, a sure sign of a joyous and much anticipated reprieve from this frigid hell. Just kidding. Hell is hot.
P.S. Miraculously enough no fingers or toes were lost during this frigid shoot.
The 50'ith
Well Ma & Pa’s 50th wedding anniversary has just passed. There was a small gathering with some close family and friends. Some last minute rushing and planning. Some lack of organization, communication, and at times assistance; Marinated in a good dose of anxiety, all neatly wrapped up in a large loaded soft tortilla of love, appreciation, and nostalgia. I’m hungry can you tell?
All in all I escaped unscathed with most of my sanity and pride in tact.
Ah, this funny guy can still make her laugh
My parents are pretty great. First of all I thank the lord, my lucky stars, and a few angels every day for still having the both of them around. They are fun and full of life and I can’t imagine not being able to share all the good stuff with them.
Vacation selfies out on the ocean low tide, Parksvillle British Columbia
Dennis and Val were high school sweethearts. Cool hey? (Is it still cool to say cool?) And the fact that they are still together probably makes them eligible for some kind of “defying all the odds” certificate of merit.
Grad 1964/65
what a good lookin' pair
They are fantastic role models and I admire their commitment to family, and each other.
The stories these hands could tell..
This celebration of defying all odds A.K.A 50th wedding anniversary, was held here in Saskatchewan. Both of my parents were born and raised right here, but in recent years have migrated to a little community in B.C. With the distance they needed to travel, and their presence somewhat required.. this party could not, and was not, a surprise.

Campers at heart, I arranged the weekend at a small regional park/campground in a little hall on the golf course out there. We gathered, we camped, we ate, and we drank… Its the way we roll here with summer in the Sask.
Some very close friends of ma & pa's travelled all the way from Iowa and surprised the hell out of them. Of course I knew they were going to be making the cross country trek, but the utter shock and joy of this little surprise for them was one of my favourite parts. The smiles and laughter lasted the whole night, I'd have to say, it was worth every minute of fuss.
So here is a kick ass moment alert! My dad is a musician, and he doesn't go far without his guitar. - Hey, that rhymed - So no surprise, he took stage and started jamming with old band buddy Gerald. Old referring to the band.. and not those two crazy coconuts ;) It would not have been the same with out them busting out their talents.
Both my boys and Holly (my daughter in law to be;) were there - As most parents with grown kids can attest too it’s not very often the whole clan is together in one place. Big heart sigh!
Aunts, Uncles, cherished old friends, and even some of the original bridal party, all came to help party the day away.
On a side note, that end of the night shit got real as nephew Jayce broke out the clothes pins. Despite what you see here, I assure you - No children were harmed in the clean up of this hall...
Dennis + Val, sittin' in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g
Farm House
Some of the coolest little adventures come from exploring the mundane and everyday. So when my husband suggested taking a little detour on our way home to Saskatoon, for my own selfish reasons, I was all for it- its the photographer in me.
Front door was open
We were straying off the beaten path to visit the house he lived in as a small boy; An old abandoned farm house in the middle of the prairies? Hell ya.
Green grassy prairies in July
Sask. born and raised, I’m no stranger to old farm yards and the abandoned dwellings that scatter our countryside. The prairies are full of them. But this would have some sentimental value and memories. For Brad, because this is where he spent part of his childhood. And for me, reminiscing about the adventures in exploring old abandoned farmhouses as a young girl with my dad.
This dreary rainy day complimented perfectly the lonely emptiness of this deserted house quietly awaiting our intrusion. Pulling into the abandoned yard Brad maneuvered the truck through the bumpy overgrown field, grass as tall as my waist.
The old farm house
Getting inside was somewhat treacherous! I'm going to admit the flip flops and camera dangling from my neck were not conducive to the task. If ever there was a Kodak moment this was it. God bless a patient husband.. There was a slanted plank propped from ground to the door threshold, that was slippery as hell from all the rain, front entry steps long gone.We strategically assisted one another, (insert husband rolling eyes here) in scaling the slippery slope up into the dilapidated front entrance.
The stairs
Some Old technology left behind.
Cracked, peeling, and in need of love. If these walls could talk.
Ceilings caving in, and bird droppings piled high throughout. Broken windows and peeling wall paper. This place couldn't be more perfect, in all its dilapidated splendour.
The pink room- I'm no interior decorator but that curtain might be a little small..
Remnants of a growing family, an old growth chart still penciled on the inside wall of the upstairs bedroom closet.
Brad - He's so proud
Growth chart penciled inside the upstairs closet
I’m having a bit of a small love affair with the windows in this place.
Room with a view - One of the upstairs bedrooms
Another room with a view of the surrounding Canola fields
My partner in crime decided our time was up and so we hit the road. I really do love Saskatchewan in the summer time!
Backroads & rain drops
Happy trails to you... until, we meet, again-