Journals, Photography Tamara Dayle Journals, Photography Tamara Dayle

A Quiet House, Sunrise, and Pawprints

It’s within my very quiet house, I am reflecting on last weeks blissful chaos.

Finn the Wolfhound takes his morning nap on the couch

The house was full of family for an early Christmas where we could all be together. Mom and dad had flown in from British Columbia. My oldest son, his wife, and stepdaughter arrived from Alberta. My youngest son who works away, and his girlfriend.  My husband who also often works away. My sister, and her two kids. 

My 175 lb. Irish wolfhound decided it was the opportune moment to come down with some mouth issue that left him foaming and drooling exorbitant amounts of saliva, that inevitably flung itself all over floors, walls, ceilings, and unfortunately any guest in his line of fire.

In hindsight, my family may never come back.

It was loud and messy, and perfect. Minus the gob.

As a professional photographer, sometimes I don’t want to take a picture.  Sometimes I just want to sit and enjoy this nanosecond in my life timeline and not have to worry about anything else but the people around me laughing, having fun, sipping their drinks, conversing in their own animated ways. Our family is rarely all together in one place, and with that in mind, there is something to be said for being present, and in the moment. 

Not having my face stuck behind the camera, arranging a plethora of bodies in front of the tree while my camera balances on a tripod in some precarious location, with three dogs running about. And some candid shots? Nope, none of those either.

Not this gal. I’m just over here failing as a photographer and matriarch of my clan. Not taking one single photo of my family’s rare togetherness. My excuse - being caught up in the moment. Busy hosting shall we say. Cooking, doing dishes, straightening the dishevelled home and organizing the Christmas chaos. AND delving into this precious time with the fam

Is this missed photo opp anxiety, a symptom of the fear mongering for the almighty social post?

I mean if it’s not on Instagram or Snapchat, did it really happen? Are we really happy? Did we have fun?

I can assure you, it did. We are, and yes it was fun.

So now here I dwell at my computer. The house desolate and still. 

Family has all gone home. No sounds but the ringing in my ears and Finneus the Wolfhound licking his leg behind me on my office couch.

I should just be grateful he’s actually cleaning himself.

The stockings are hung by the fireplace with half hazard care. The red balls on the Christmas tree reflect the warm glow from the little tree lights.

Floors are vacuumed, dishes put away, and bedding has all been washed folded.

Except for those fitted sheets, those things are evil. 

In the end all guest hosting paraphernalia has been tucked away in its rightful place, waiting for the next family gathering. Which is always way too far away for my liking.  

Here are some photos that just happened this morning, in my quiet house full of Christmas spirit, sunrise, and dogs.

Sunrise view from the front deck of our home, here in Saskatoon

Smeared dog paw prints on the back deck window cant hide the fact our back yard has no snow a week before Christmas at home in Saskatoon.

Muddy paw prints smear the back patio window.

Reflections of a empty and quiet kitchen in the glass of a picture on the wall

Looking through the double sided fireplace Finn the Irishwolfhound is crashed on the couch by the Christmas tree.

Looking through the double sided fireplace Finn the Irish Wolfhound sleeps on the couch

Undecided, Ayva stands half way in and half way out of the dog door

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Blog, Family, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Family, Journals Tamara Dayle

Ninety Seven

Grandpa Russ - This birthday thing is some serious business

Grandpa Russ - This birthday thing is some serious business

This sweet soul turned 97 in December.

His name is Russel and he is my husbands paternal grandfather. The family gathered and celebrations were had.

Although some physical ailments have decided to challenge his everyday, this man still lives on his own and is sharp as a tack.

Russ like to keep up on the worlds current events, and loves challenging the ladies around town to a good game of crib. Much to his favour there are not many bachelors to compete with at his ripe age.

This wise guy has some serious quick wit, and his sense of humour brings a smile to my face whenever he is in the room.

Losing his wife of 65 years to cancer 9 years ago, I am in awe of his dedication to making each day the best it can be.

Happy birthday Grandpa Russ. I am inspired, blessed and oh so grateful to be a part of this family you created.

Cheers to you

xo TD

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Blog, Travel, Documentary, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Travel, Documentary, Journals Tamara Dayle

Mountain Time

Travelling in general is near and dear to my heart. But the Canadian Rockies, well they hold a special place in the old ticker. I've been travelling there for summer get aways since my boys were wee little. 

Hell I loved being there so much I would pack those little turkey's up,  diapers and baby wipes in tow,  and haul ass out to the mountains (also Grizzly country) with a tent.

The Tent

The Tent

The vast beauty, giant mountain peaks, and towering aromatic pines were worth the risk of being dragged out of our tent in the middle of the night by a deranged and starving grizzly.

Ok that would probably never happen, but in the pitch black darkness of the night your mind does tend to be a little over active. After all there is merely a flimsy wind breaker between myself, my children, (one of which may or may not have had a full diaper), and a 1700 pound carnivorous beast. 

We now have a trailer. A pretty big one at that, and the walls are definitely thicker than that of the old tent. The real perk is not having to hang your ass out in the dark forest at 3am to pee.

Trailers with bathrooms are the best. 

So our little family vacations have evolved. It's rare both boys can be there, jobs and holiday time are always an issue as with most families. This particular trip my youngest was unable to make it.  But that just makes the times we can all be together that much more special. 

Hold on to those days where the kids are still in the back seat. They fly by way to fast.

xx - TD

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Blog, Events, People, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Events, People, Journals Tamara Dayle

Adele + Mel

Well I do have to share some pictures from this heart warming evening a few weeks back.  It was more than a pleasure to have the opportunity in documenting a once in a lifetime milestone for these gems. They are genuinely sweet people and adorable to each other.

Married fifty years these two. FIF-TY. Yes folks the big 5 - 0 -  And as I watched their family celebrate them that evening, it was apparent, and rightfully so, that their commitment to family and each other is so cherished, and respected. 

Word has it that these two love birds both like to "cut a rug." And on weekends, maybe some weekdays to - if there's a dance within 50 miles they'll find it!  
Pretty sure this is how they both still fit into their wedding day threads.

Their children & one photo bombing grandson

Their children & one photo bombing grandson

Below - a gorgeous cake created by their daughter in-law. Some beautiful decorations, and a lifetime of togetherness memorabilia are displayed throughout the room.  

Family and friends put on one heartfelt tribute to a fun and inspirational couple.  

Cheers to you Adele + Mel, here's to many more!

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Blog, Life, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Life, Journals Tamara Dayle

The 50'ith

Well Ma & Pa’s 50th wedding anniversary has just passed. There was a small gathering with some close family and friends. Some last minute rushing and planning. Some lack of organization, communication, and at times assistance; Marinated in a good dose of anxiety, all neatly wrapped up in a large loaded soft tortilla of love, appreciation, and nostalgia.  I’m hungry can you tell? 
All in all I escaped unscathed with most of my sanity and pride in tact.

Ah, this funny guy can still make her laugh

Ah, this funny guy can still make her laugh



My parents are pretty great. First of all I thank the lord, my lucky stars, and a few angels every day for still having the both of them around. They are fun and full of life and I can’t imagine not being able to share all the good stuff with them. 

Vacation selfies out on the ocean low tide, Parksvillle British Columbia 

Vacation selfies out on the ocean low tide, Parksvillle British Columbia 

Dennis and Val were high school sweethearts. Cool hey? (Is it still cool to say cool?)  And the fact that they are still together probably makes them eligible for some kind of “defying all the odds” certificate of merit. 

Grad 1964/65

Grad 1964/65

what a good lookin' pair 

what a good lookin' pair 

They are fantastic role models and I admire their commitment to family, and each other.  

The stories these hands could tell..

The stories these hands could tell..

This celebration of defying all odds A.K.A 50th wedding anniversary, was held here in Saskatchewan. Both of my parents were born and raised right here, but in recent years have migrated to a little community in B.C.  With the distance they needed to travel, and their presence somewhat required.. this party could not, and was not, a surprise.  

Campers at heart, I arranged the weekend at a small regional park/campground in a little hall on the golf course out there. We gathered, we camped, we ate, and we drank… Its the way we roll here with summer in the Sask.  
Some very close friends of ma & pa's travelled all the way from Iowa and surprised the hell out of them. Of course I knew they were going to be making the cross country trek, but the utter shock and joy of this little surprise for them was one of my favourite parts. The smiles and laughter lasted the whole night, I'd have to say, it was worth every minute of fuss.

So here is a kick ass moment alert! My dad is a musician, and he doesn't go far without his guitar. - Hey, that rhymed - So no surprise, he took stage and started jamming with old band buddy Gerald. Old referring to the band.. and not those two crazy coconuts ;) It would not have been the same with out them busting out their talents. 

Both my boys and Holly (my daughter in law to be;) were there - As most parents with grown kids can attest too it’s not very often the whole clan is together in one place. Big heart sigh
Aunts, Uncles, cherished old friends, and even some of the original bridal party, all came to help party the day away.

On a side note, that end of the night shit got real as nephew Jayce broke out the clothes pins. Despite what you see here, I assure you - No children were harmed in the clean up of this hall... 


Dennis + Val, sittin' in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g

Dennis + Val, sittin' in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g

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