Blog, Documentary, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Documentary, Journals Tamara Dayle

My COVID Chronicles

Last week

McDonalds at lunch time in Saskatoon. This photo was taken March 19th, approximately 5 days after the government started requesting people self isolate and practice social distancing to help slow the spread of the COVID- 19 virus.

McDonalds at lunch time in Saskatoon. This photo was taken March 19th, approximately 5 days after the government started requesting people self isolate and practice social distancing to help slow the spread of the COVID- 19 virus.

Thursday March 19th. Photo’s of an overly quiet, 3rd Avenue, downtown Saskatoon.

Ayden Kitchen and Bar on 3rd and Little Bird Patisserie over on Ave. B are just a couple of restaurants here in Saskatoon posting signs on their door explaining their closure due to the COVID- 19 virus outbreak.

These are scary times my friends. As of 5 minutes ago my last scheduled job on the calendar cancelled. For good reason. I completely understand, and I know I’m not alone.

Still, It’s terrifying thinking of what will, or could, happen next. My foreseeable financial future is non existent at this point. They are predicting months of this and let’s be honest, here in this quiet and relatively safe little corner of the world we are just starting to see the wrath of this thing.

On that note of doom and gloom (your welcome) I will switch gears.

I am going try to focus on good things. Quality time with loved ones. Time to work on long set aside projects. Good people and good times yet to be had. Making plans. Appreciating the little things and moments this “down time'“ has given us.


Friday March 20th - I was out for some necessary items, and ventured into Shoppers. I was feeling slightly anxious, about it all.

Some tape on the floor specifying how far back one needs to stand when in line to check out at Shoppers Drug Mart- Saskatoon Sk. Friday March 20th, 2020

Some tape on the floor specifying how far back one needs to stand when in line to check out at Shoppers Drug Mart- Saskatoon Sk. Friday March 20th, 2020

Signs taped to the doors give customers the heads up they are out of toilet paper, antibacterial items, gloves, and most other items that fell into the anti viral protection category, and were easily stockpiled when this world wide pandemic started creeping into our part of the world.

The green tape on the floor lays out where customers need to stand when going through the check out line.

Cashiers are just a few of the professions dealing with the public, on the front lines. The floor tape gives some boundaries from the public, and wearing rubber gloves are a small sense of security when handling frequently touched items.

A big thank you and huge respect for those who are working out in the trenches with the general public. From health care and emergency workers, and kind souls delivering groceries and medical supplies to the isolated. To the cashiers and shelf stockers at the grocery stores, and the Pharmacists, doling out medical advice and medication. And everyone else in between.

On the front lines in every sense of the word. Thank you.

This has been a crazy couple of weeks. I know I’m not alone in having to take some time, to slow down, rethink what’s important. Get back in touch with what is. Whats working, what isn’t…

I would love to hear how you’ve been coping with this global shit storm. How have you been keeping been. Really. Don’t be shy..

Feel free to leave in the comments below, or don’t, either way, just know I will be sharing thoughts and photos through this whole thing. I will talk to you soon my friends.

Stay safe wash your hands.

xo td


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Documentary, Family, pets, Blog, Journals Tamara Dayle Documentary, Family, pets, Blog, Journals Tamara Dayle

Mr. Connor McDavid - The Dog

Connor’s family happens to be some of our best friends. They live too far away for my liking but when we get together we make up for time lost.

When we visit Connor McDavid not only does he put up with our (haven’t seen my best friends in forever) shenanigans.. but he also graciously obliges me shoving a camera in his face. Sometimes I think he even appreciates the fact there is a human rolling around on the floor with him.

Here are a few pictures made of this slobbery - big teddy bear - heart of gold, fur turd self.




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Blog, People, Documentary, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, People, Documentary, Journals Tamara Dayle

Sailor Dan

Famous in his own right, Sailor Dan is kind of a local celebrity around these parts. I had been looking to find this infamous local artist for the sole purpose of a brief photo op. So you could probably imagine my level of happy when he happened to turned up in my neighbourhood mall parking lot. There he was, just standing there, selling his art to some guy in a truck. So I seized the moment and asked if he’d be a willing subject. He graciously agreed. 

Sailor Dan & his drawing

Sailor Dan & his drawing

We set up a time to meet in an hour or so, because wouldn't you know it, I had my dogs in the back of my truck, and of course no camera.  The next hour transpired as such.. High five'd myself - did a happy dance - got a coffee - walked the dogs - drove home - grabbed my camera, and booked it back to the arranged location. Would he bail? Will he be where he said he would be?  He didn't, and he was - true to his word. 
No surprise someone had recognized him, and commissioned one of his drawings right then and there. So I had some time to shoot this fabled sailor in action. 

While he's creating his masterpiece he attracts a bit of attention. 

A few admirers stop to say hello. 

Chatting up this old Sailor can be a challenge with his gravelly mumbled voice, but he is such an iconic and gentle character it was worth the struggle.  


I thank you Sailor Dan, you are a brilliant subject, and a genuinely talented soul.


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Blog, Portrait Session, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Portrait Session, Journals Tamara Dayle

Dirt Rich

I had the opportunity early summer to do some promotional photos and the album cover shoot for The Dirt Rich Band. This talented group of guys are loosely based out of Lloyd AB. and surrounding area.. but made the trek to Saskatoon for shoot day.  I'm telling ya' It was a kick ass afternoon with this crew! They're fun, easy going, and didn't hesitate to 'bring it' for the camera ;) 

Don't know 'bout you, but I'd hire'em

Don't know 'bout you, but I'd hire'em

 I had the opportunity early summer to do some promotional photos and the album cover shoot for The Dirt Rich Band. This talented group of guys are loosely based out of Lloyd AB. and surrounding area.. but made the trek to Saskatoon for shoot day.  I'm telling ya' It was a kick ass afternoon with this crew! They're fun, easy going, and didn't hesitate to 'bring it' for the camera ;) 

Its crazy to imagine but these guys juggle full time day jobs, families, and gigs most weekends. Its an endless circuit of bars, weddings and outdated halls. Late night/early morning tear downs ’till 3am,  broken down trucks and vans;  All nighters travelling down dark and anonymous backroad grids, just to get home - get up - and do it all over again the next night. Its a strong testament to their tenacious dedication, to the group, and where they want to be.  

Their commitment and skill has led The Dirt Rich band to a recording studio with any spare time, and cash they can come by. Your daily FYI: When you pay to download music from independent artists, you are feeding a starving musician and their family.

Check out their second release Your Song available on Apple Music, Google play, Spotify, and most other music streaming sites. It’s a definite fav!

Big thanks to O’Shea's Irish Pub for letting us invade their space! Lunch, and bar shots, pictures that is.. (Ok ok, we might have had one or two)

These back alleys in downtown saskatoon are the best for kicking in some gritty character! 

And their off 

And their off 

Later guys- Looking forward to the next venture

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