Portrait, Blog, Journals Tamara Dayle Portrait, Blog, Journals Tamara Dayle

Stacey Love - Educating the world one gram at a time

This smart and diverse, not to mention stunning women is as interesting as they get. And I had the creative privilege of photographing her in a portrait session awhile back. 

She's a mother, wife, and Professional Engineer who owns her own firm, LovePS with husband Jessie. On her summer afternoon and evenings you can find her at Wyant Group Raceway tending to the broken and battered race cars.

Be sure to check out her blog Love MJ . Dispelling myths about the functions and use of medicinal Marijuana. Easing fears and misuse with informed and reliable, information- While providing advice, recipes and guidance.  You can also find her on Facebook 

Thank you for the inspiration Stacey!

xx TD

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Blog, Portrait Session, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Portrait Session, Journals Tamara Dayle

Dirt Rich

I had the opportunity early summer to do some promotional photos and the album cover shoot for The Dirt Rich Band. This talented group of guys are loosely based out of Lloyd AB. and surrounding area.. but made the trek to Saskatoon for shoot day.  I'm telling ya' It was a kick ass afternoon with this crew! They're fun, easy going, and didn't hesitate to 'bring it' for the camera ;) 

Don't know 'bout you, but I'd hire'em

Don't know 'bout you, but I'd hire'em

 I had the opportunity early summer to do some promotional photos and the album cover shoot for The Dirt Rich Band. This talented group of guys are loosely based out of Lloyd AB. and surrounding area.. but made the trek to Saskatoon for shoot day.  I'm telling ya' It was a kick ass afternoon with this crew! They're fun, easy going, and didn't hesitate to 'bring it' for the camera ;) 

Its crazy to imagine but these guys juggle full time day jobs, families, and gigs most weekends. Its an endless circuit of bars, weddings and outdated halls. Late night/early morning tear downs ’till 3am,  broken down trucks and vans;  All nighters travelling down dark and anonymous backroad grids, just to get home - get up - and do it all over again the next night. Its a strong testament to their tenacious dedication, to the group, and where they want to be.  

Their commitment and skill has led The Dirt Rich band to a recording studio with any spare time, and cash they can come by. Your daily FYI: When you pay to download music from independent artists, you are feeding a starving musician and their family.

Check out their second release Your Song available on Apple Music, Google play, Spotify, and most other music streaming sites. It’s a definite fav!

Big thanks to O’Shea's Irish Pub for letting us invade their space! Lunch, and bar shots, pictures that is.. (Ok ok, we might have had one or two)

These back alleys in downtown saskatoon are the best for kicking in some gritty character! 

And their off 

And their off 

Later guys- Looking forward to the next venture

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Blog, Life, Journals Tamara Dayle Blog, Life, Journals Tamara Dayle

The 50'ith

Well Ma & Pa’s 50th wedding anniversary has just passed. There was a small gathering with some close family and friends. Some last minute rushing and planning. Some lack of organization, communication, and at times assistance; Marinated in a good dose of anxiety, all neatly wrapped up in a large loaded soft tortilla of love, appreciation, and nostalgia.  I’m hungry can you tell? 
All in all I escaped unscathed with most of my sanity and pride in tact.

Ah, this funny guy can still make her laugh

Ah, this funny guy can still make her laugh



My parents are pretty great. First of all I thank the lord, my lucky stars, and a few angels every day for still having the both of them around. They are fun and full of life and I can’t imagine not being able to share all the good stuff with them. 

Vacation selfies out on the ocean low tide, Parksvillle British Columbia 

Vacation selfies out on the ocean low tide, Parksvillle British Columbia 

Dennis and Val were high school sweethearts. Cool hey? (Is it still cool to say cool?)  And the fact that they are still together probably makes them eligible for some kind of “defying all the odds” certificate of merit. 

Grad 1964/65

Grad 1964/65

what a good lookin' pair 

what a good lookin' pair 

They are fantastic role models and I admire their commitment to family, and each other.  

The stories these hands could tell..

The stories these hands could tell..

This celebration of defying all odds A.K.A 50th wedding anniversary, was held here in Saskatchewan. Both of my parents were born and raised right here, but in recent years have migrated to a little community in B.C.  With the distance they needed to travel, and their presence somewhat required.. this party could not, and was not, a surprise.  

Campers at heart, I arranged the weekend at a small regional park/campground in a little hall on the golf course out there. We gathered, we camped, we ate, and we drank… Its the way we roll here with summer in the Sask.  
Some very close friends of ma & pa's travelled all the way from Iowa and surprised the hell out of them. Of course I knew they were going to be making the cross country trek, but the utter shock and joy of this little surprise for them was one of my favourite parts. The smiles and laughter lasted the whole night, I'd have to say, it was worth every minute of fuss.

So here is a kick ass moment alert! My dad is a musician, and he doesn't go far without his guitar. - Hey, that rhymed - So no surprise, he took stage and started jamming with old band buddy Gerald. Old referring to the band.. and not those two crazy coconuts ;) It would not have been the same with out them busting out their talents. 

Both my boys and Holly (my daughter in law to be;) were there - As most parents with grown kids can attest too it’s not very often the whole clan is together in one place. Big heart sigh
Aunts, Uncles, cherished old friends, and even some of the original bridal party, all came to help party the day away.

On a side note, that end of the night shit got real as nephew Jayce broke out the clothes pins. Despite what you see here, I assure you - No children were harmed in the clean up of this hall... 


Dennis + Val, sittin' in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g

Dennis + Val, sittin' in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g

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