Photographing The Chill
Well it’s fourty below and a don’t give a f#ck… That’s right, 40 below with the windchill folks, once again. It could be worse, It could be -40 before the windchill. These are the small blessings us Saskatchewanians are actually thankful for in mid-January here on the prairies. Sad isn’t it?
Early morning downtown Saskatoon- 20th street
It’s 7 days past Christmas, plenty of time to come to terms with the fact its all over and get back to the reality of the daily grind. It’s also fly day for Ma & Pa. I am driving them to the airport at 7:30am so they can catch a flight back to Parksville B.C. Where they now live. Sask. born and raised, even they threw in the towel when it comes to dealing with our cold prairie winters.
Hard to believe Christmas has come and gone. The house will be empty once again. Quiet, lonely, void of all family. But I am not going straight home after I deliver these precious packages to the airport, I’m going to photograph the chill. Who’s brilliant idea was this you ask? Oh ya, mine.
This city of Saskatoon is beautiful. It really is, even in the cold, I promise. And the weather is not always frigid. I promise this to. This engaging and divine city is just the right size, and oh so friendly! Yes yes, in the winter it does have it's moments of sub-thermal. And some days not just cold, but fucking cold. I don’t like it, not one bit.
But the other seasons in this place are stunningly beautiful, colourful and inspiring. Summer is most definitely my favourite. It’s warm, sometimes too damn hot believe it or not.. The anticipation of those muggy summer days, and late night barbecue suppers on the deck. Forests of green, barefoot on a beach, green and yellow rolling fields stretching as far as the eye can see, all the way out to where land meets the sky. Fiery sunsets, oppressing humid heat, and dark thunderous looming skies. That eerie quiet calm before the summer storm. And oh the camping, with those lazy summers nights around a lake front campfire.
So you see, this my friends, is what keeps us going through the inevitable onslaught of blistering cold. Trust me, its worth it. Most days anyway.
So stay warm fellow Canadians for the ice will melt, and buds will soon bloom, a sure sign of a joyous and much anticipated reprieve from this frigid hell. Just kidding. Hell is hot.
P.S. Miraculously enough no fingers or toes were lost during this frigid shoot.