A Trip to Saskatchewans North
Sunset and a Dragon Fly. A late evening picture of the bay just outside our little cabin #4
Well hello from the other side.. of this blog :)
As Adeles 2 hour TV special promo echos in my kitchen, and her song Easy on Me plays for the 150th time this morning, all verbiage that pops in my head seems too morph into an Adele lyric.
Trying to think of how to introduce this little blog on our summer trip to a fly in camp on Careen lake in Canadas North.
But I think I will let the photos speak for themselves.
The family
The Camp
A barren shore line devastated by forest fire on Careen Lake in Northern Saskatchewan
A thick treed, rocky island we passed by while boating.
Some wildlife
This big boy.
Lots of wildlife in this winter wonderland of a ghost town.
Did not care we were there one bit, as he was sniffing out Voles under the snow.
Zero “fox” given. See what I did there?..
Some scenery
Looking out over this frozen lake, was so peaceful. I swear it felt like we were the only ones around for miles. Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure we were.
A quieter version of this busy summer destination.