Born and raised on the Canadian prairies - I am a wife, mother of 2 grown men, a life photographer, and writer.

I love capturing special moments, the ordinary, and not so ordinary. Creating pictures and stories of the human kind.

When I’m not taking photos I’m writing. Dedicated to the paper and pen - that flashing cursor and a blank screen eventually see all the words unfold, and when I’m ready to share with the masses, you can check out my letters at Mishaps & Milestones on Substack.

And also what I’ve been up to lately here on Journals

Our household is currently ruled by 3 bad ass fur turds, Finneus Oisin the Irish Wolfhound, two rescues, Princess Ayva, and Asshole Abby. They have officially assumed the roles of our children.

I have been known to exaggerate. . (That was an under exaggeration)

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Thanks for dropping by

 - TD

Dirt Rich

Dirt Rich

Don't know 'bout you, but I'd hire'em

Don't know 'bout you, but I'd hire'em

 I had the opportunity early summer to do some promotional photos and the album cover shoot for The Dirt Rich Band. This talented group of guys are loosely based out of Lloyd AB. and surrounding area.. but made the trek to Saskatoon for shoot day.  I'm telling ya' It was a kick ass afternoon with this crew! They're fun, easy going, and didn't hesitate to 'bring it' for the camera ;) 

Its crazy to imagine but these guys juggle full time day jobs, families, and gigs most weekends. Its an endless circuit of bars, weddings and outdated halls. Late night/early morning tear downs ’till 3am,  broken down trucks and vans;  All nighters travelling down dark and anonymous backroad grids, just to get home - get up - and do it all over again the next night. Its a strong testament to their tenacious dedication, to the group, and where they want to be.  

Their commitment and skill has led The Dirt Rich band to a recording studio with any spare time, and cash they can come by. Your daily FYI: When you pay to download music from independent artists, you are feeding a starving musician and their family.

Check out their second release Your Song available on Apple Music, Google play, Spotify, and most other music streaming sites. It’s a definite fav!

Big thanks to O’Shea's Irish Pub for letting us invade their space! Lunch, and bar shots, pictures that is.. (Ok ok, we might have had one or two)

These back alleys in downtown saskatoon are the best for kicking in some gritty character! 

And their off 

And their off 

Later guys- Looking forward to the next venture



The 50'ith

The 50'ith